2 Aralık 2020 Çarşamba

Wishing You a Festive Season - Extruct Exhibiton Pty Ltd



Our company wishes you and your family a Merry Festive Season and a Happy New Year! Be lucky in each project and business you have ever started and remember to stay safe during the COVID pandemic. Safe travels and see you all in 2021, that hopes to be a much greater year

The holiday spirit all over the world holds everyone together, despite the fact that we celebrate Christmas and New Year in different traditions. For example, in Brazil, they light thousands of candles on the sandy beach near the ocean on New Year - really a magnetic performance. Wish you to start the first day of the New Year with sweet smiles of your friends and family, with good thoughts and faith in a prosperous future!

Company: Extruct Exhibition Pty Ltd                               

Phone: +27 71 413 3236

Email: info@extruct.co.za


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